

måndag 3 december 2012

En dag närmare jul. Shit vad ni som läser mig kommer till att vara trötta på mitt evinnerliga jultjat. Fast det är helt ok för jag bryr mig inte ;-)…..ni är goa gubbar och gummor ändå.

Men nåja skit samma här kommer två juldikter på engelska, håll till godo :-)

                                                             Christmas poetry 
                                         Christmas is coming, the geese are
                                                getting fat,
                                         Please to put a penny in an Old
                                                man's hat;
                                         If you haven't got a penny, a
                                                ha'penny will do,
                                         If you haven't got a ha'penny,
                                                God bless you

                                     The ABC's of Christmas

      A is for Angels
      With halos so bright
      Whose carols were heard
      On that first Christmas Night

      B is for Bells
      So merrily ringing
      Joy to the world
      Is the message they're bringing

      C is for Candles
      That so brightly shine
      To give a warm welcome
      To your friends and mine

      D is for Doorway
      With garlands of green
      To make Christmas merry
      As far as they're seen

      E is for Evergreens
      With fragrance so rare
      So plentiful at Christmas
      Their scent fills the air

      F is for Fun
      The whole season long
      From trimming the tree
      To singing a song

      G is for Greetings
      A merry "hello"
      With a heart full of love
      For people we know

      H is for Holly
      With berries so red
      To make into wreaths
      To hang overhead

      I is for Ice
      On snow covered hills
      Where sledding is fun
      Along with the spills

      J is for Jesus
      The Christ child so dear
      We honor his birth
      On Christmas each year

      K is for Kris Kringle
      So merrily he stands
      He is who they call Santa
      In so many lands

      L is for Lanterns
      I am sure that their light
      Helped Mary and Joseph
      That first Christmas Night

      M is for Mary
      Her heart full of love
      For her little son Jesus
      Who came from above

      N is for Noel
      The angels did sing
      To herald the birth
      of Jesus, our King

      O is for Ornaments
      So shining and bright
      With lights on the tree
      To sparkle at night

      P is for Packages
      With ribbons so gay
      All 'round the tree
      For our Christmas Day

      Q is for Quiet
      Christmas Eve Night
      With snow covered hills
      Glistening so bright

      R is for Reindeer
      Who pull Santa's sleigh
      To your house, to my house
      They know the way

      S is for Shepherds
      Who first saw the star
      Over Bethlehem's manger
      And followed it far

      T is for Trees
      We decorate so gay
      Then wait for ole Santa
      To hurry our way

      U is for Universe
      Where Christmas brings joy
      To all in the world
      To each girl and each boy

      V is for Visiting
      Friends near and far
      We travel by plane
      Or by bus, or by car

      W is for Wise Men
      Who brought gifts so rare
      And knelt down and worshiped
      The child they found there

      X is for X-mas
      Or Christmas by full name
      No matter the language
      It all means the same

      Y is for Yule Logs
      Whose bright sparks fly high
      To give a warm welcome
      To friends passing by

      Z is for Zeal
      We show at this time
      In giving to others
      And loving mankind

      …….och för övrigt kan tilläggas att nu äter man jordgubbsglass med saltlakris sås mmmmmm så gått :-)

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